Tuesday, December 9, 2008

3 heavy boxes

Sometimes to live in a country were we have so much freedom (so they say) it sometime comes with a price. I am not affected personally by wars or having to ship my loved ones off to fight. I do although have alot a service men in my family. The closes one is my Brother-in-law Krike. And for me that means the we must help support him in any way that we can. A few months ago I was talking to Michelle (My SIL) and I asked how Krike was doing and if she had talked to him lately. She told me that she had and that it was sad because she was seeing him on web cam and for dinner he was eating oatmeal cream pies. Ok to me some days that would be just fine, but I have a choice in what I eat at meal times. I was very saddened by what I heard. So when David got home from work that night I told him what Michelle had told me. I said we have to do something. So the next day I called Michelle and her told what we were going to do. I told her that David and I alone couldn't do it by ourselves but that we where going to send out a letter to family and friends to see if they could help us. I was not really sure what to expect from our letters. Well the next thing I know we are getting money and checks in the mail. We received over $200.00 to spend on supplies for Krike and to ship it over to him. I could just not believe it. So the next thing I had to do was go shopping. We were able to get him all kind of things some he needed and some his wife told us would work good for him. on Monday of this week I sent out 3 very heavy boxes going over to wherever Kirke is right now. I hope and Pray that they make it there by Christmas. I know that for him along with his family that it is not going to be a very easy to be in the Christmas spirte this year. I know that getting boxes from family is not what he is going to want at this time, but if I could I would pack his family in 3 heavy box and ship them right over too! I know that there are alot of families this year that are not going to have loved ones at home with them this season. In my house we pray daily that God will bless our soldiers. My son Carson even knows that we must ask for blessing upon them and to bring them home safely.

I just want to send this out to all the military families out there that have a loved ones that they are going to miss this year at Christmas. We send you our thanks and our love and good Blessings for everything that you and your Families do. It is not just the soldiers that are far from loved ones but the families to! Thank you for my Freedom.


Damama T said...

WONDERFUL! You are awesome to take the time and effort to do that for Kirke. Way to go!

Brandy said...

I bet Kirke will love it!